ASP Classic Developer
I specialize in integration of older ASP Classic pages into modern day mobile first themes.
IT | Computer ASP Classic Baton Rouge Louisiana 70726I specialize in integration of older ASP Classic pages into modern day mobile first themes.
IT | Computer ASP Classic Baton Rouge Louisiana 70726Worked for the Company behind the election that you do Not know about because we did our job correctly! Set up and troubleshoot/ IT support on Election day and leave it like we were never there immediately after election!
IT | Computer Election rio rancho Select State 88714Taking calls and troubleshooting computers, phones, apps, and wireless connection.
IT | Computer Data Entry Martinsville Virginia 24112Special online applications development. Security, Anti-Spam, connection limitations, Geographical Connection Monitoring. Shopping cart and secured login applications. Password encryption and customer data encryption for online and offline storage.
IT | Computer Programming Denham Springs Louisiana 70726I scheduled surgeries on the East bank of the U of M