16. When will my temporary password arrive? Sign on names and email addresses.
The email world is fast, in fact most of our measured tests and actually statistics show it takes just under 3 seconds for you to receive an email from MnWorks.Net.
If you didn't receive an email from MnWorks.Net with your temporary password and it's been about 5 minutes try using a different email address.
Example: If you're using the University of Minnesota's umn.edu address try using Gmail or Hotmail if after 60 seconds you do not see an email from us. The schools Spam filters are set very high and may block many domains and other email servers like MnWorks.Net.
If you can use Gmail or Hotmail to create your account and not the domain email address you would like then follow the following step.
1. Contact your IT department and have them put the domain name mnworks.net in their white-list.
If you have any other questions and it's email related please do not send your question using your the email you have currently using, most likely you'll never see a reply from MnWorks.Net if it's blocking the email server now.
Use Gmail or Hotmail as an alternet email address.